Video: Taylor Connolly Answers Five Questions on Public Affairs

1. What led you to a career in public affairs?

I’ve always had an interest in politics. Even when I was five or six, I was out holding signs in local elections with my mom and dad. When I started my career, it was at a PR agency. I had a really strong interest in going into public service to learn how government operates, how it intersects with the private sector, and learning how to tell the stories of that collaboration and moving the ball forward for both sides.

2. What was some of the work you did at Boston City Hall prior to joining Castle?

For the majority of my time at City Hall, I led communications for the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development. This included building communications and outreach strategies for small business, business equity, and workforce development initiatives to make sure that the economy was working for all Bostonians. I’d also develop talking points, messaging, digital materials, and social media plans to make sure as many people as possible had information around our policies and initiatives.

3. What was your experience working on a mayoral campaign and how did that prepare you for your work here at Castle? 

Campaigns are hard work. They’re fast paced, and you really have to be ready for anything, similar to our work at Castle. And it’s not just media relations. We’re constantly asking, who is our audience? How do we reach our audience, and how do we connect with our audience to make sure that our story is reaching who we need it to?

4. Why are you passionate about public affairs?

I really enjoy working with clients who understand how their business priorities impact their communities, and are eager to engage with external stakeholders, build relationships, and activate them to tell their stories.

5. How can public affairs and public relations work together? 

At Castle, we’re lucky to have public relations, crisis, and public affairs together under one roof. We understand how to work together and have clear communication so that we can leverage our skills and really deliver an enhanced product for our clients.

Want to learn more about public affairs strategy? Castle has you covered.

Are you looking to engage with public officials, policymakers, or stakeholders about an issue that’s important to your organization? Contact our public affairs team to see how we can help.

Profile Picture for Author Taylor Connolly at The Castle Group
Written By: Taylor Connolly


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