As a PR firm, we counsel clients on social media best practices, helping them to take a fresh look at what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how it’s performing.
Based on our many client interactions on the topic, here are three common social media mistakes companies make, and tips for avoiding them.
1. Having too many channels
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube. Most consider those to be the standard, “must-have” social media channels.
As we know, there are always new contenders – Snapchat, TikTok – some of which last, some of which disappear overnight. And others are important for focused audiences (Pinterest).
But if you are not doing a good job with creating and sharing quality content on a regular basis – and you’re overwhelmed by the number of channels – what does it matter which channels you have set up?
Take a commonsense approach and work with the channels that matter to your audience. If you’re a B2B company, then LinkedIn is important. If you’re a consumer brand, Instagram is a must-have.
While it’s always a good idea to “reserve” channels under your organization’s name so no one else can take them, you don’t need to focus on them if you think you don’t have the time to do it right.
You’re better off with one outstanding channel than five that are out of date. We all know that expression, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Don’t let that be your social media approach.
2. Lack of content strategy
Just as you (hopefully) reserve personal content for Facebook and professional content for LinkedIn, you should take a similar approach for your organization’s social content.
Sharing the same type of content the same way on all channels may confuse – or lose – your audience.
To read the rest of this blog post, please visit the PRGN website.