Our client, Salem Five, recently launched a new television campaign, featuring second baseman and fan favorite Dustin Pedroia. The humorous campaign stars an animated version of Pedroia, comparing his passion for baseball to Salem Five’s passion for banking.
Created by Salem Five’s advertising agency Connelly Partners, the campaign consists of two spots under the theme, “The World According to Dustin Pedroia.” In one spot, Pedroia says “Baseball’s not just my job, it’s my life. I eat, drink and sleep baseball. I breathe baseball. If I ever cried, I’d cry baseballs. But I don’t cry because I’m the laser show, man.” The voiceover announcer continues, “Passion’s everything – we hear you, Dustin. At Salem Five, banking is our baseball.” The spot ends with the bank’s tagline, “Keep talking – we’re listening.” In the second spot Pedroia is shown hitting, fielding and even parenting at a “110%” level of effort, which is then compared to how Salem Five approaches banking.
You can catch the Dustin spots locally on NESN and Comcast cable or you can check them out anytime on the Salem Five YouTube page.
So tell us, what do you think of the animated Dustin?