Who are the decision makers in Massachusetts?
Do you know where your polling location is? Wondering when that new school in your town will be built? Seeking to relocate or expand your business in Massachusetts? Unsure how recently passed laws will impact you? It’s important to know who makes decisions and how they operate. Here’s a quick overview and some helpful resources to learn more about your local government and how it functions.
City/Town Government
Municipal governments deeply impact our day-to-day lives and business operations. The City of Boston has a strong mayoral structure and a 13-member legislative City Council while towns have town managers and elected selectboards. The mayor or town manager manages the budget and oversees departments and agencies—from zoning to school boards to the conservation commissions. Visit your city or town’s website.
State Government
The Massachusetts House of Representatives and the Massachusetts State Senate represent cities and towns at the Massachusetts State House. They bring local concerns and priorities to the larger body and work together to craft and enact legislation across all industries, as well as steering the state budget and federal funding. There are policy-focused and joint committees in each body that focus on specific industry-related bills and regulations for more nascent industries. Each member of state government has a district office and staff to make sure they are accessible and stay connected with constituents.
State Governor
The Governor is the CEO of the Commonwealth (fun fact: Massachusetts is only one of four Commonwealth states in the country). The Governor is head of State government and the State Legislature is the legislative arm. The Governor appoints judges, leads a 10-person cabinet, and oversees over 700 independent boards and commissions.
Attorney General
The Massachusetts Attorney General is ‘The People’s Lawyer’ and top law enforcement officer tasked with defending civil rights, protecting consumers, taking on corruption and fraud, and ensuring fair economic competition.
Federal Government
Our U.S. Representatives in Congress and U.S. Senators represent Massachusetts in the legislative branch of the Federal government. We have nine Congressional members and two U.S. Senators, each with district offices and offices in Washington D.C. They write and pass national legislation, advocate for funding and resources from the Federal government, and approve the national budget. They can be important allies and advocates in supporting critical industries, institutions, and economic development for Massachusetts, helping to grow, regulate, and innovate industries.
Interested in learning more? The Castle Group can help.
Navigating bureaucracy can be daunting, but learning what agencies and offices do can help you establish a strategy to build key relationships, raise your profile, and expand your network of support. Contact us today to learn more about public affairs.